
Friday, May 5, 2017

SSC CGL Exams and the Xtra Coaching Factor

Starting from the start

It is the time of year when our college exams are winding down, some of us in the last semesters of our study life with an outlook to a bright future ahead of us or to put it in a more practice prospective, Dreams of achieving big , cracking competitive exams and scoring high grades to get our dream job.

Easier said than done!

With the tough competition ahead and limited seats available, only the top cream scoring top marks get to share the spoils while the rest contemplate another shot at the exams with promises to work more hard, devote more time to studies, sacrifice on the good times, friends, outing, club, movies and mobile social media to dig deeper in our heads and cram up more of the topics so we can get a better shot next time.
But is this the beginning of a cycle or the end of it, Is getting our dream job in the administrative field so as to secure a safe government job as tough as it sounds or is it. Well to start with it isn’t that easy but with the right attitude, planning, analysis and realistic goals , we can achieve our target if not score big on our dreams.

Next Big Step

So next step, Services job means a shot at SSC CGL exams that are around the corner. Word is out that posts will be advertised in news papers and exams date announced soon so while we have a fix on papers and on the net to get the latest, One question looms large. To have a fare shot at cracking the exams what should be my schedule and plan of action for the next say 3 to 4 months. How to plan for time, Get a studious group of friends together for a daily meet to discuss and debate the latest general knowledge questions, set up a regime for studies, mock tests but what about the x-pert guidance?
Yes, I would need guidance from a person who has been there, done it. Someone who was in my shoes some time back and managed to crack the test and get that converted Govt. Job. May be someone with that kind of experience can help me beat a path, plan my schedule, guide me to the course materials and books and give me some extra tips that would help me on my way to success.
This is where coaching from a academy can help, some place where you can sit in a class and focus on your academic study in a timely manner, Where you meet likeminded studious students who can be your competition so that you can have a genuine assessment of your level of preparedness and then can push yourself to come at par with the best in class and also to get the guidance you seek from an expert on the fine points of how to crack the SSC CGL.
Now when you make your discussion to get coaching from an academy, there are some fine points to go through before you go give them your fee.

Check your eligibility

Qualification: Minimum qualifications differ for various posts. Aspirants must possess a Bachelor’s Degree in a relevant subject from any institute recognized by UGC. If you are appearing in your final year of graduation, you are eligible provided you complete your degree before 1st August 2016 (this is a tentative date based on last year’s notification until the official detailed notification for 2016 is released).
Age Limit- Age limit varies for various posts as well. Aspirants must be between 18 years to 27 years in age. Age relaxation for the reserved categories will be applicable as per government rules. For a few specific government jobs there are extended age limits – you can refer to the guidelines on the website.
Citizenship– You must be citizen of India and or a subject of Nepal/Bhutan or a Tibetan refugee who came to India before 1st January 1972, with the intention of permanently settling in India.
Now if you pass on the above points it is time now to dig further

lets start the Academy Search

Check for all academies who give coaching in SSC in your area and make a list of a few renowned ones. Make a schedule to visit them personally and get counseling from there experts as to what syllabus is covered, Fee structure, any discounts offered, There premises (After all you don’t be doing any good studies if the area is cramped, Noisy, humid and hot without basic amenities like good sitting, a proper class room with air conditioning, good lighting, projectors and sound system so you hear the instructor even if you are seated way back.
Research More:
Once you have gone and checked things mentioned above and short listed to a couple of academies to take admission, Dig deeper now online. Go to the academies website and social media site. Check for old student reviews and read there boards, Check on what is there success percentage, What old students have to say regarding the academy, There attitude towards students, Teaching methodology, complaints, Check to see the teachers or team who will be teaching you and see their qualifications, experience etc and then further refine your list.

The Final Visit

Now that you only have a couple of academies from your list, Its time to give them another visit, Ask what type of course material will you get, What are their timings so you can get your best batch time. Insist on joining a fresh batch instead of being adjusted in an ongoing batch as some institutes will do if they don’t have many admissions, they tend to fit the new students in ongoing batches but that is not good as there will be some chapters you may miss. Go for a fresh batch and ask for demo test schedules, Extra classes and doubt clearing sessions so you know where you will get the best out of the teaching staff.
Squeeze in some more
Now that you have a fairly good idea of where you will get the best coaching, Time to get some more. Go out among your friends and see if someone has the same idea as your and want to join an academy to get SSC coaching. Talk about your research and convince them the academy you have shortlisted will be the best for them too and take them as your reference. Most of the academy give cash back or discount if you get your friends over to them, So you get a better deal and have a group you are comfortable with to study and discuss. Also ask for schemes like life time gold or silver cards that let you come again next season by paying a small sum in case you don’t make it the first time. This way you won’t be paying the full fee the next time you join next season.

Application & Syllabus

For more detail into Selection Process, Exam Pattern and Syllabus for ssc coaching in chandigarh you can go to get more info.

Tips to Cracking the UGC NET

What is UGC NET

UGC NET short for United Grants Commission National Eligibility Test is one of the most important and popular entrance test in India which is taken by a large number of eligible candidates who appear for the UGC Net exams every year to try to crack and score high in order to get a good job offer. In 2013 the UGC announced that the UGC NET score of a candidate will be good enough to grade him or her in order to get a job offer in many of the public sector undertakings, Government offices, universities and colleges and this announcement has made the UGC NET exams one of the most sought after enterence test in India now.
As the syllabus of UGC NEt is kept at high standards, The exam pattern is also tough and the questions are prepared in such a way that the best prepared qualify. In order to get the best out there are some points you have to keep in mind in order to score high in the exams.

How to Crack UGC NET

To crack the exams a few tips that you need to remember is and to start with the most important is
1. Discipline
Once you have made up your mind to crack the UGC NET exams the most important behavioral adaptation will be Discipline and sticking to a time schedule. Discipline is very important in cracking the UGC Net exams with a fixed time table for studies and dividing time into subjects with more time given to subjects you are weak in and sticking to the time table day in and out.
2. Syllabus Indexing and Time Slot
Get to know your latest UGC NET syllabus, prepair a study chart with time allocation depending on what are your favorite subjects and the subjects you find tough. Keep the subjects you find tough in the morning when you have more concentration power and fix time accordingly.
3. Taking mock test
You can get exam papers for earlier year exams and try to solve them in a mock test type exam where you set the time and try to solve the test in the given time frame so as to know how your preparations are going.
4. Group discussions
Sit out with friends who are preparing with you and indulge in group discussions solving questions and discussion language and current affairs which will help you in your exams.

UGC Net Coaching from Bright Academy

Some important points to remember before you go to give your UGC NETexams

Double check all your documents:check to see you have all the documents like your admit card with you before you enter the exam hall
reaching in time: Start early and plan your route so you can reach your exam destination in time and have time to check your seating.
Managing Stress: Getting nervous before the exams is a bad thing as it leads to a break in concentration and makes you more venerable to making mistakes so relax and keep your composure and take your time to understand the questions for a proper answer.
Follow Rules: Check the rules and guidelines and do follow them strictly so that you don't get disqualified from your exams because of some mistake.